In about 2022 I decided to learn more about Roman history after seeing all these places around the Mediterranean. Due to some medical issues I don’t read much anymore but I do listen to audiobooks and podcasts. When I went looking for something to listen to I found The History of Rome podcast and it got great reviews. I have listened to all 190 episodes, and it was a revelation. I knew we still feel the impact of the Romans today, but I had no idea how wide-spread it is.
The link to this map is a great resource when learning about the Romans and for determining if there’s a site near where you are vacationing. Roman Empire 125 general map (Red roads) – Roman roads – Wikipedia It’s a map of the roman roads and their cities. On our Adriatic trip I knew about Aquileia from the podcast so I looked at the map and confirmed it was in the area we were going to be in. It turned out to be amazing and very different than what I thought was Roman.